Connect Brother printer to Wi-Fi again by following the given steps below and turn brother printer online. How to reset the Wi-Fi connection on your brother printer the easy steps. Go through on this printer are the same for some other brother printer models before you get going. Make sure you know the password and network name for your wireless Wi-Fi network the network name can usually be found on the back of the modem.

If your printer has a touchscreen the steps may vary a bit but will be roughly the same to reset the wireless wi-Fi connection. Press the menu button scroll down to network and press ok. Scroll down and select network reset. Press 1 say yes and press 1 again to confirm the reboot the printer. Reboot once completed the printer will ask you to setup Wi-Fi press ok three times to launch the setup wizard and ok again.

Wait a moment while it searches next choose your Wi-Fi network. Don’t worry if you’re prompted to use WPS you can select. Enter your Wi-Fi password just keep tapping the keys to switch between lowercase uppercase and Numbers then press ok. Press 1 to apply settings a report will print out automatically letting you know that your printer is now reconnected to Wi-Fi.

How to connect brother printer to Wi-Ficonnect brother printer to Wi-Fi

How to setup your brother r printer to use Wi-Fi. make sure that your printer is on by press the power button. Wireless setup brother machines the model using may look slightly different or have different features in the model. Connect brother printer to Wi-Fi wirelessly and need to know the SSID or a network name of your router. Keep in mind your network password and configured or attempted to configure the wireless connection.

First reset the wireless card to reset the wireless card press menu up or down to select network and press ok. Press up or down to select Network reset press ok press and reset select yes, the wireless card. Reset to configure the wireless on the brother printer.

In few case, brother printer WIFI light blinking then press menu press the down arrow to select Wi-Fi and press ok. Select WLAN press ok. Select setup wizard and press ok. When WLAN enable is displayed on the LCD screen choose Owen and press ok.

Brother printer connected to Wi-Fi but not showing up

Brother printer will search for SSIDs or networks in your area a list of SSIDs in your area will display select your SSID or network name then press ok. If the brother printer asks you if you would like to use WPS or AOSS press 2 for know the display will prompt. Enter your network password press ok.  If you do not know your network password please contact your router manufacturer to enter your network password. Use the keypad pressing the number 2 displays a press the number 2 again displays B pressing it again C pressing and if can’t connect my brother printer to Wi-Fi follow further.

How do I connect my Brother printer to Wi-Fi on mac

Further into numbers enter the network password then press Ok. The LCDs will prompt you to apply Settings. Select yes and press ok the printer will take a few moments to connect to wireless network. Display on mac either connected for connection failed if the connection failed. It is likely the printer password is incorrect after you receive the message connected. Make sure your computer is on and you are logged in with administrator rights. Insert the brother cd-rom into your computer drive.

Major steps of the installation and connect to brother printer wirelessly the screens on your computer slightly unless indicated. Select, next on the installation screens to continue select your brother printer. Select your language click install MFL pro suite for the paper port license agreement click yes as the software installs.

  • Screens on the brother license agreement click yes.
  • Choose wireless network connection and click Next for the firewall antivirus screen leave the option for change firewall port settings then click Next.
  • Installation display a list of brother printer on your network. If your printer is not listed try clicking Refresh. If your printer never appears check your network connection choose your brother printer then click Next.
  • As the software installs you will see progress screens when the registration screen appears. You can choose to do an online registration then click Next.
  • Make the selections for the default printer then click Next.
  • Prompted to restart your computer select yes then click finish.
  • Now print using a wireless connection